
Lazboy Daisy Flower

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Crystal Wedding Bridal Bridesmaid Flower Foam Roses Bouquet



Spearmint has a strong aroma of mint is used as the base material for the scent of toothpaste. It can also be used to make candies and since it is a great source of mint it can be enterted into any other dishes that might need mint.

Price: $3


Rosemary is a very useful plant. It comes from the Mediterranean region. It has a wonderful taste as well as a great aroma. It can also be a great source of strenth to increase the strength of your immune system.

Price: $4



Parsley is a type of plant commonly used for seasoning European cuisine, but it is also effective for weight loss, can be processed into a variety of dishes and juices. It is a very useful plant and very commonly used.

Price: $4


Rosella is a plant that is widely known in Indonesia, it's often used as a tea which is great for dieting or losing weight, can open up your blood circulation, inhibits bone loss, and good for beauty. It is a kind of hibiscus.

Price: $5


Dahlia Pink Strip

Dahlia is a plant that originated in Mexico, with bright colors and graded and has the texture of flowers were piled up, the plant is very suitable to be in the garden and yard. It has beautiful pink flowers and it is great.

Price: $7


Kalanchoe Pink Fuscia

Kalanchoe plant is commonly referred to cocor bebek, it has a thick leaf texture and bright flower color. It produces very beautiful pink flowers and it is quite crowded.

Price: $4


This is a local Jasmine flower and its a very popular flower. It is known of its beauty and unique fragrance. Flowering in Jasmines takes place in summer or spring which is usally six months after planting. Jasmine flower buds are more fragrant than the flowers. The Jasmine flower releases its fragrance at night after the sun has set

Price: $2
Phone No.: 089619592849


Floribunda Roses

Floribunda roses have small and crowded flower, possess many color options, very easy maintenance making it perfect for beginners who want to try gardening, in less than 30 days can produce flowers. This flower is very pretty and can be developed into beautiful flowers. There are other colors such as yellow, white, pink, etc.

Price: $4
Phone No.: 089619592849

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